
Seminar 2: innovation & coursework

In the second seminar we will work through two, shorter, discussion tasks and then have a period of open coursework surgery.

Discussion tasks

Task 1 question

When does (digital) tech drive the future?

Pick a technology you remember being presented as ‘the future’ some time ago.

Task 2 discussion questions

Whose future?

  1. Who, in practice, shapes the digital technologies we use?
  2. How do digital technologies themselves shape our futures?

Coursework Surgery

This is time for us to explore your ideas for both the essay and the video assessments.

What makes a “good” essay?

It answers the question!

Good essays also:

  • Addresses the themes of the module
  • Uses geographical ideas and literature
    • (but doesn’t have to be 100%)
  • Offers a focused argument
    • Doesn’t have to be comparison/contrast
  • Grounds the argument in an example/case study

There will be time for you to ask questions and discuss some of these points in the classroom.

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