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Ongoing Q&A Padlet

Apologies that this was not visible until now – this was a mistake. This post will stay at the top of the Digital Geographies website to allow you to easily post questions about the module using the Padlet. It is also available on the ELE page.


18. Digital Infrastructures

Guest Lecture by Daisy Curtis In this lecture Daisy will be discussing the infrastructures which underpin digital technology. This will be building on some of the ideas already discussed in the module which have problematised the apparent invisibility and immateriality of the digital. The underlying question running throughout this lecture is ‘are digital infrastructures invisible?’. […]


Module Recap

In the final lecture of the module we review all of the ideas and debates across the module and some of the themes I believe are significant in the ways in which we have discussed digital geographies. Firstly, we should return to the three-fold heuristic introduced by Ash, Leszczynski and Kitchin (2016) of: Geographies: …produced […]


17. Digital Questions

In this lecture I discuss some of the wider ‘big’ questions that are posed about the importance and influence of digital media and technologies in society. Lecture slides ReCap The lecture recording will be available on the module ELE page.


16. Digital memory

In this session for Digital Geographies we return to some of the ways in which studying technologies, more broadly, asks searching questions about the nature of what it means to be ‘human’. Earlier in the module we explored the ways that technologies can be understood as prostheses, supports that are ‘added on’ to our biological […]


15. Digital Futures

In this session we explore how claims about the digital are often claims about futures. Digital technologies are often figured as ‘the’ future – what is to-come, what we should desire and what we should expect to buy. In the lecture we will: Much of the ways in which we are asked to think about […]

course admin

Week 8 Seminar Poll

I met the first of the three seminar groups on Monday and around a quarter of the group attended. I am mindful of the amount of work you all have to do and also that I have not been able to see everyone in the module surgery sessions. I want to provide the best support […]


14. Digital games

In this session we will consider digital games, or, in more common parlance, video games. Playing games represents not only a significant use of our digital devices but also an important global industry. From casual gaming on phones to international esports tournaments, video games are a popular pastime and an increasingly important business. In this […]


Seminar 2: innovation & coursework

In the second seminar we will work through two, shorter, discussion tasks and then have a period of open coursework surgery. Discussion tasks Task 1 question When does (digital) tech drive the future? Pick a technology you remember being presented as ‘the future’ some time ago. Task 2 discussion questions Whose future? Coursework Surgery This is time […]


13. Digital Cities

code orchestrates a widening array of public, private and public-private spheres and mobility, logistics and service systems and spaces Stephen Graham (2005) Software-sorted Geographies, p. 562 Introductory Video Time on Task ~ 2 minutes. ReCap recording The ReCap recording will be available on the module ELE page. During the COVID pandemic I produced the following videos that may help […]


12. Sex and the digital

In this session we explore the ways in which our intimate selves and lives are inextricably bound up with digital mediation. From dating and ‘hook up’ platforms to sexual health information and further to internet connected sex toys, the digital is firmly embedded into the most intimate aspects and places of our lives. This lecture […]